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    military service extension 結果共15筆

  • Hsinchu camp welcomes recruits under extended service plan

    The first batch of recruits in Taiwan reported to Hsinchu County’s Litoushan Camp in Xinpu Township on Thursday (Jan. 25). The 206 Brigade’s Battalion 4 received 304 new recruits from the northern region, who will undergo an eight-week training program. The military restored its previous one-year conscription in line with the "Strengthening National Defense Force Structure Adjustment Plan." The training curriculum is divided into four stages, focusing on core values, fitness, rifle shooting, combat coaching, and weapon handling. All new soldiers underwent health screening and inspections upon arrival, including drug-sniffer dogs. Additionally, the recruits had their heads shaved after receiving their uniforms.
    2024/01/25 16:41
  • Taiwan’s new conscripts begin 1-year military service

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) Army Command Headquarters announces the extension of compulsory service to one year. Newly enlisted soldiers will undergo an eight-week training in recruit centers throughout northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The training program consists of four phases, focusing on core military values, physical fitness, combat skills, rifle shooting, and combat coaching. The final assessment includes physical combat skills, rifle shooting proficiency, and comprehensive combat coaching.
    2024/01/25 15:15
  • Young couples face trials as Taiwan extends military service

    The first group of conscripts for the one-year compulsory military service in Taipei enlisted on January 25. These 670 young men will undergo an eight-week enlistment training. The extension of mandatory military service, approved by President Tsai Ing-wen last year, has posed emotional challenges for many young couples. Girlfriends accompanied their conscripted boyfriends to the Department of Compulsory Military Service’s Alternative Service Center, offering encouragement and expressing hope that military service would help their partners overcome bad habits and become more responsible. Despite the year-long separation, conscripts expressed faith in their relationships, although they couldn’t help but worry about the lack of constant communication. Various girlfriends reassured their worried boyfriends, saying, "Don’t worry!" The Ministry of National Defense stated that the decision to extend mandatory service was influenced by changing international situations, authoritarianism, defense combat needs, and the intensity of the four-month military training. It was also based on a comparative study of conscription systems in other countries.
    2024/01/25 14:17
  • Taiwan can win international trust, says DPP’s Hsiao

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expressed confidence in Taiwan’s ability to gain international trust and recognition despite global pressures. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a diplomatic balance, using the analogy of a cat’s sense of balance. Hsiao also highlighted the need for a fair and balanced Taiwan-U.S. trade relationship. She believes that promoting mutual benefits between Taiwan and the U.S., including in areas of national security and economics, will safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedoms. Hsiao acknowledged the differences between Taiwan and Israel but suggested that Taiwan could learn from Israel’s innovations in military training. She also emphasized the extension of compulsory military service in Taiwan to ensure peace and build strength.
    2023/12/26 11:39
  • Taiwan’s MND touts success of drug-sniffing dog teams

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taipei showcased its drug prevention program’s accomplishments, emphasizing the effectiveness of its narcotics detection dog teams. Since December last year, 18 additional dogs have been added to these teams, allowing regions across Taiwan to request their services for drug-sniffing operations within military camps. According to government regulations, these service dogs typically serve for four years, with the possibility of an extension to seven years. Since 2020, three narcotics-detection canines have completed their service term, with replacements already trained and deployed. The defense ministry conducted 467 drug-sniffing missions within military bases this year through mobilization, camp applications, and operational zone assignments. Additionally, over 1.13 million urine screenings have been conducted among military personnel, with positive results leading to prosecutions and the removal of implicated individuals from service.
    2023/12/20 17:18
  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
  • Taiwan mulls extending Dassault Mirage fighter jets’ service

    Taiwan’s Air Force weighs the possibility of extending the service life of Mirage 2000 fighter jets by 20 years. Experts debate the need for longevity vs. modernization as the nation navigates cross-strait tensions. Learn more about the Mirage 2000 extension debate.
    2023/08/14 17:23
  • President Tsai stresses value of enhancing military training

    President Tsai Ing-wen traveled to Penghu County to oversee the national army demonstrate combat shooting on Friday (Dec. 30), just 3 days after announcing the extension of Taiwan’s military service.
    2022/12/30 20:33
  • Shen: Impact of military extension on public opinion limited

    Taiwan will extend mandatory military service from four months to one year starting 2024. TVBS spoke exclusively to Shen Fu-hsiung, a former legislator on whether Tsai Ing-wen’s announcement will sway voters’ decision in the 2024 Presidential Election.
    2022/12/29 19:15
  • Julian Kuo: Taiwan must show commitment to self-defense

    Taiwan will extend mandatory military service from four months to one year starting 2024. TVBS spoke exclusively to Julian Kuo, a former legislator where he shared his take on the announcement made by Tsai Ing-wen.
    2022/12/29 19:00
  • Taiwan young adults support extending military service

    The government has been mulling an eventual extension of the mandatory military service from four months to a year in recent months.
    2022/12/21 18:52
  • Taiwan’s DPP gains support in extending military service

    Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has garnered some support in its plans to extend the current, 4-month military service.
    2022/12/20 18:17
  • Taiwan to decide on military service extension next month

    With the 9-in-1 elections around the corner, many have questioned the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s reasoning for bringing up the issue of extending the military service. 
    2022/11/22 19:00
  • Taiwanese men open to military service extension

    The extension of mandatory military service has been under discussion for some time in Taiwan. However, the government has yet to announce plans for the possible extension of the conscription system.
    2022/11/12 07:59
  • Public opinion split over need of conscription extension

    These high school students are ribbing each other because they might do different service times despite being in the same grade.
    2022/10/14 16:42
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